With two little redheaded girls, life is always interesting. Not wanting to miss out on any memories and not having enough time in the day to keep a pretty little journal, I hope to tuck away all of the sweet and saucy memories we have right here in Atwood Adventures.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The Talker

Ella's first word was at about 9 months and she was sitting in her saucer and our dog Madison walked by and she said, "Dog". And she pretty much has not stopped talking since then.

Her first big numerous word sentence was, "Look mommy, it's raining outside!" and I almost dropped whatever it was I was holding I was so amazed at her ability to string so many words together so perfectly.

There are so many things that she says and does that are just amazing.

Thanks to her love of Dora the Explorer, she has lately been very focused on which "path" we are taking and has the memory of an elephant. If I tell her Daddy was driving to Austin today for a conference, she will ask, "Which path will he take?" and I will tell her and later she will tell me, "Daddy went to Austin. He took path 610 to 290".

One time when I was nursing Sydney and Ella was drawing on hte floor by the rocking chair on her Etcha Sketch, she said she was drawing mommy and mommy's hair and mommy's eyes and then she erased the screen and said, "Now I am going to draw Sydney's SUPER big SUPER head". One of her best lines yet.

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